Every quarter, we provide our investors with a loan level report that contains the current status of each non performing note plus relevant metrics. These metrics are: property type, city and state where the property is located, loan status, purchase date and price, projected liquidation date, total cost basis, UPB, Estimated payoff, property value and comments.
We do not reveal the addresses of the properties backing the notes or the returns until the assets have been fully liquidated. When the non performing note has been liquidated, we add return on investment and annualized return on investment to the reporting.
Click on one of the Funds below to view more information about it:
Before we started creating and managing the various Coastline Capital Funds, we partnered with different capital partners to purchase non performing notes.
Although joint ventures have been mutually beneficial for our partners and for us, we decided that we wanted to combine efforts to create Funds that could involve a greater number of investors, resulting in raising higher capital and acquiring larger non performing note portfolios.
We’ve compiled a list of notes that we purchased with joint venture partners prior to our funds.
Coastline Capital Fund II, LLC raised $550,000 and closed to new investors in December, 2017.
The Fund purchased 5 first position, non-performing loans with $707,433 in Unpaid Principal Balance (“UPB”), $831,396 in Total Collectible Debt, and $918,900 in Fair Market Value of collateralized property.
The properties that secured these notes were located in North Carolina (2), California (1), Illinois (1), and Oklahoma (1).
The Fund began making distributions to investors in September, 2018, fully liquidated 15 months after it closed to investors, and returned an IRR of 9.7% to the investors.
** (One of the five notes incurred a loss because the property, located in New Bern, NC sustained significant flood damage from Hurricane Florence (a “1,000 year event”) in September, 2018; if this note had a “normal” outcome, the IRR to investors would have been 17.4%.)
Coastline Capital Fund III, LLC raised $1,590,000 and closed to new investors in December, 2018.
The Fund purchased 12 first position, non-performing notes with $2,418,881 in Unpaid Principal Balance (“UPB”), $3,123,021 in Total Collectible Debt, and $2,404,000 in Fair Market Value of collateralized property.
The properties that secured these notes were located in Illinois (6), California (2), New Jersey (1), Tennessee (1), Texas (1), and Wisconsin (1).
The Fund began making distributions to investors in November, 2019. The Fund liquidated its last asset in March, 2022.
This Fund suffered COVID related delays that negatively affected returns.
Total Return on investment (ROI): 6.3%
Average IRR: 2.5%
** Subject to change based on Final Distribution
Coastline Capital Fund IV, LLC raised $1,150,000 and closed to new investors on August 31, 2019.
The Fund purchased 5 first position, non-performing notes with $1,280,020 in Unpaid Principal Balance (“UPB”), $1,955,818 in Total Collectible Debt, and $1,494,000 in Fair Market Value of collateralized property.
The properties that secure these notes are located in Texas (2), New Jersey (1), Virginia (1), and Nevada (1).
The Fund began making distributions to investors in March, 2020.
Although some liquidations were negatively affected by COVID, we expect the Fund to be fully liquidated by late Summer, 2022, which is at the end of the 3 year hold time.
Coastline Capital Fund V raised $850,000 and closed to new investors on July 31, 2020.
The Fund purchased 7 first position, non-performing notes with $1,114,403 in Unpaid Principal Balance (“UPB”), $1,590,182 in Total Collectible Debt, and $1,285,400 in Fair Market Value of collateralized property.
The properties that secured these notes were located in Ohio (2), Louisiana (2), New Jersey (1), Illinois (1), and Virginia (1).
The Fund began making distributions to investors in October, 2020. The Fund liquidated its last asset in February, 2022.
Class A Units:
Average Return on investment (ROI): 18.4%
Average IRR: 13.4%
Class B Units:
Average Return on Investment (ROI): 15.7%
Average IRR: 14.2%
** Subject to change based on Final Distribution
Coastline Capital Fund 6, LLC raised $2,105,000 and closed to new investors on February 22, 2021.
The Fund purchased 11 first position, non-performing notes with $2,519,522 in Unpaid Principal Balance (“UPB”), $3,526,187 in Total Collectible Debt, and $2,391,946 in Fair Market Value of collateralized property.
The properties that secure these notes are located in Illinois (5), New Jersey (3), and Florida (3).
The Fund began making distributions to investors in September, 2020.
We expect the Fund to be fully liquidated by Spring, 2023.
Coastline Capital Fund 7, LLC raised $760,000 and closed to new investors on November 15, 2021.
The Fund purchased 7 first position, non-performing notes with $857,761 in Unpaid Principal Balance (“UPB”), $1,588,017 in Total Collectible Debt, and $1,223,858 in Fair Market Value of collateralized property.
The properties that secure these notes are located in Texas (2), New Jersey (2), Illinois (1), Tennessee (1), and Ohio (1).
We expect the Fund to be fully liquidated by Winter, 2023.